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L'oeil de Mouche
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Subject lines are more important than titles

As much as I reckon that short an up to the point emails are agreable in professional context, I cannot agree to the first tip given in this article. To me, an email without a subject line has no more value than a spam. If the sender does not bother to indicate what the topic is, why shoul I bother reading ? This is pure laziness and lack of caring.

I belive there are three problems with emails:

  1. Its too easy to forward an email. Because they want to inform you, people are sending every piece of information they got. Who cares about filtering ? Not the sender. Maybe his time is more valuable than yours.
  2. Sending without a subject line is permited. Again, its the receiver's duty to interpret the message, and find a clever way to file it should it be needed again.
  3. There is a "reply all" button. This function should require at last a five key combination and a warning. Although it is very rare that a "reply all" is required and useful, for some people this is the way to reply.

le 02.11.09 à 15:39 dans dehors
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