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Beyond lies the web.

Seuls les experts s'expriment. Vraiment ?

Bebelouloute a remarqué un de Medbroadcast Health News traitant des weblogs qui parlent des pandémies.
Certaines remarques sont particulièrement intéressantes quand au fonctionnement de la réception d'informations par les lecteurs.

Just because I'm out there, shovelling this information onto my blog does not mean that I know what the hell I'm doing or what I'm talking about, Killan admits.
And yet because the information's there and the blog looks kind of tidy it acquires a sort of false aura of expert knowledge. And that in itself can be a real hazard. That can be a downside of the web and blogging in particular. And that is that just because you're out there and you're shooting your mouth off, people start treating you like a guru.

le 15.07.05 à 12:24 dans dehors
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Tiens, ça rejoint un peu cette citation que j'avais mise sur un post :

"We have a group of people who, by a little bit of work, a little bit of luck, and perhaps a nice helping of momentum, are at the hubs of opinion-making about the ongoing revolution in media."

Yassine - 18.07.05 à 12:46 - # - Répondre -

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