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Linkslogs, liens et valeur

Quand Tom Coates pose la question de la responsabilité du lien dans un linklog, les réponses sont intéressantes.

As for responsibility, yes, I think people shouldn't just post everything they see. If I want to see what people are linking to, I can go to blogdex or populicious or technorati, etc. and see what's supposed to be hot today around the web. If I'm reading YOUR weblog, it's because I want to see what you're linking to. It's because I like what you have to say, or because we like the same sorts of things, or whatever the reason, but I think it is responsible of you to read everything and not just dump every link you follow onto your page.
I used to worry about being quick on the draw, but not so much anymore. With sites like del.icio.us, Digg, & populicio.us, the proliferation of RSS/Atom feeds & readers, and mainstream media (and sites like Google News) offering several ways to get the breaking news you want delivered to you the minute it happens, a lot of the ineffiencies have been removed from the links "market". The interval between the discovery of a new link and its subsequent ubiquity is much shorter now -- everyone sees everything at about the same time -- and as a result, the reward for being first with everything often isn't worth the effort. I'd rather spend my time compiling what I think are the best or most appropriate links, even if they're a couple days old by the time I post them.
Conversely, weblogs that primarily provide links, or "direction," in the secondary wave of internet attention to topics and information do provide a resource. They function less like an English teacher's suggested reading list and more like a critical reading project, in which readers are encouraged to engage their own critical eye to the same content and compare their findings. This is value. This is content.

le 11.10.05 à 19:35 dans dehors
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CLon du Digg

A propos de ton post, il y a un nouveau clon du digg en français, c est www.tapemoi.com , pas mal le site, il a quelques jours de vie seulement mais il faut donner du temps, bon concept et design.

Lindhsa - 29.12.05 à 16:58 - # - Répondre -

Re: Clone de Digg

Ils auraient besoin d'un petit coup de main pour la rédaction en français...



François Granger - 30.12.05 à 11:55 - # - Répondre -

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