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L'oeil de Mouche
Beyond lies the web.

Why we read weblogs

Yet what I've also determined from a rather informal consenus of women I know who read blogs, is that women may read blogs not only for liberal newsworthiness, but also for insight into the human condition. Women want to find out how others think about love, sex, raising children, coping with careers, taking care of elderly parents, etc., etc. I don't believe we are as occupied with finding validation for our political perspectives in the blogs of others as men might be. Some of us may be looking for "the scoop," but we have time for other things, too.

le 17.07.05 à 10:46 dans bricolage
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Et ben moi si justement c'est l'échange politique qui m'interesse le plus sur le web. La Politique dans sa noblesse, pas dans la bassesse du pouvoir, koike qu'il faille bien y penser, car rester toujours en dehors du jeu est fatiguant et frustrant.

La politique du quotidien de la vie de chacun, où l'économique a une très grande place. Entre les riches et les pauvres plane .........LA LIBERTE.

annie - 17.07.05 à 23:39 - # - Répondre -

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